Perri Broadbent-Hogan

Perri, an educator with a Master's in Education, has spent her career developing trauma-informed teaching practices for herself and fellow educators. As Co-Principal at MacKillop Education, she supports inclusive Education and fellow educators.

Perri is a teacher whose passion is ensuring young people have access to education regardless of their barriers.

Perri has undergraduate degrees in science and education from La Trobe University and a Master of Education (Student Wellbeing) from the University of Melbourne. The Neurosequential Network acknowledges that Perri Broadbent-Hogan has completed NMT Training Certification through the Phase II level.

Perri has focused her teaching career on ensuring young people are provided with biologically respectful learning opportunities within a trauma-informed classroom setting, promoting maximal engagement for young people exposed to trauma. Perri has held Deputy Principal and Principal positions across Victoria and Tasmania and is currently the Co-Principal at MacKillop Education in Geelong.

Perri has authored a book chapter on creating trauma-informed classrooms. She has written a unit for the Master of Teaching qualification at Victoria University focusing on trauma-informed professional practice for teachers.

Perri is passionate about being in a classroom supporting all young people to learn and finds great joy in supporting other educators to do the same.